Hello! I’m Celine, the creator of Macan Makan [meaning ‘eating tiger’ in Bahasa (Indonesian)], founded in April 2023! I don’t think we ever really do anything alone… this project only exists because of the support of so many friends and those around me. I love sharing food, cooking with others, and also am a heavy extrovert, so Macan Makan sort of started as a channel to connect with these different desires and as a means to practice, express, and heal.
Most of (or a lot of) my time ideally is spent practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) or within that community or practice, and I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for everyone who I get to train with and and see every week. Lately I haven’t been doing so many pop-up markets but have been challenging myself to compete in BJJ as much as possible because jiu jitsu is something I love so much, but competing has not been something that I either enjoy or love – I wanted to keep repeating it until my comfort zone had shifted a little bit. I also really do love and enjoy doing challenging things.
It has been impossible for me to balance a full-time job, jiu jitsu & everything associated, and MacMak at the same time, and I also really value being a part of a healthy social community and being the friend to others who I want to be, all at the same time. I’m content with that; I’ve enjoyed the balance of ocean time, quality time, and intentionality I’ve experienced reciprocally with others and within my life in 2024.
Lastly, I was born in the year of the earth tiger, hence Macan Makan as a name, and I hope to continue growing into a more loving person with shifting life balances throughout the rest of 2024 – on a real but scary note, I hope to take Macan Makan full-time in 2025. Currently for the month of June I am on some version of a sabbatical in Indonesia with family. I hope to see you soon!!
Thank you for taking the time to engage with me, in any medium.
Thank you to everyone who has ever been kind to me or loved me; for that reason I am here. Thank you, everyone who is reading this; I am grateful.